9. Technical Considerations

Blockchain (Polygon Network)

300FIT was initially developed as an ERC20, but switched its mainnet to the Polygon network on November 20, 2023 to build a web3 sports league ecosystem. Polygon Chain has established itself as a multi-chain powerhouse that provides developers and creators with the tools they need to build innovative, secure, and scalable blockchain solutions.

Polygon Chain supports the most popular Ethereum scaling ecosystem, providing EVM compatibility and the ultimate user experience with fast transactions at near-zero gas fees.

Polygon Chains provide the best scaling experience for developers and users.

  1. Low cost Scale your project by processing more transactions. Spend ~$0.015 per transaction on average powered by Polygon's Proof of Stake architectureApproximately 10,000x lower cost per transaction than Ethereum

  2. Community support An active and engaged developer community 24/7 development support Extensive developer documentation to make it easier to build

  3. EVM compatible Easily Deploy on Ethereum for Faster Development Compatible with Ethereum developer tools

Polygon is an enterprise-ready blockchain platform that has emerged as a solution available to a growing number of business and development teams. With its scalable architecture, fast and cheap transactions, and growing ecosystem, Polygon is an ideal platform for entrepreneurs, developers, and enterprises alike to build and launch blockchain solutions.

Last updated